The Dynamic Duo in Education
Megan and Kara are educational leaders, professional development experts, and current educators who have a passion for creating positive change in education, transforming schools into empowering spaces and students into confident, lifelong learners equipped for success in an ever-evolving world.
IntegratED stands at the forefront of educational transformation, specializing in empowering educators through innovative solutions for effective instruction, teacher efficiency, and improving student engagement and growth. IntegratED has become a trusted partner for educators seeking to leverage the power of content effectively in the classroom. This dynamic duo empowers teachers to deliver engaging and impactful lessons that resonate with students.
The IntegratED team has spoken nationally, reaching educators from New York to California. They have spoken with the Innovative Schools Summit (Orlando, Las Vegas, Atlanta, San Antonio), the CCIRA conference (Denver, CO), the TIE conference (South Dakota), Wyoming Innovative Summit, and MFPE Conference (Montana).
This team has experience in speaking, coaching, and training spanning from small grade-level teams to entire schools and districts. They serve as the driving force behind unlocking the full potential of what is possible in education. If you are looking for new, effective, and powerful change in your instructional practices, this is the team you want to lead you in that dynamic transformation.
Speaking Topics
Creating Classroom Learning Experiences for Tomorrow's Learners
This energetic session is designed to equip educators with innovative strategies and tools for creating engaging classroom learning experiences tailored to the needs of tomorrow's learners. Join us and discover the art of crafting unforgettable classroom learning experiences through purposeful content integration. Participants will leave with ideas, tools, and resources to start using in their classroom tomorrow. It’s time to change the classroom of today to start teaching the students of tomorrow.
Participants will:
● Understand the power of classroom learning experiences
● Walk away with ideas to implement into your classroom tomorrow.
● Understand the different learning pathways and how they impact
the learning experiences you create for your classroom.
To Teach or Not to Teach
In a world where the pace of change in education can be overwhelming, educators' voices can sometimes feel drowned out or overlooked. This session aims to provide a platform for educators not only to reflect on their practices but also to leave with renewed inspiration. Join us as we shine a spotlight on the challenges faced by educators in a rapidly changing world and explore strategies to ensure that every educator's voice is not only heard but resonates with impact. We need to keep pushing the boundaries of what is possible in education and ask ourselves, "To teach or not to teach?"
Participants will:
● Be provided with renewed inspiration, motivating them to approach their work with a sense of purpose.
● Explore and discuss strategies that can help them navigate the ever-changing world of education
● Be motivated to push the boundaries of what is considered possible in education, fostering a mindset of innovation and continuous improvement.